Please read these Terms of Service ("terms", "terms of service") carefully before using services through www.wisecoder.in website (the "service(s)") operated by Wise Acad Edtech Pvt. Ltd. ("us", 'we", "our").

We provide Services to customers who are interested in formal training/learning of technical and non-technical skills required to make them industry ready or to certain customers who wish to up skill themselves through learning online courses. The details, eligibility and procedure to use each of these services can be obtained through our website and/or by formally contacting us through call or email. The services offered by Wise Acad can be updated, modified or removed either temporarily or permanently at its sole discretion.

Disclaimer: Wise Acad wishes to inform customers that we conduct formal training programs and does not guarantee any interview/job. These training programs are only meant to improve technical skills of applicable and eligible customers. Further, Wise Acad has no control over the recruitment process or criteria set by companies.

Wise Acad will endeavor to maintain its website in a fully operating condition and error free, except for unavailability and errors which may result from (i) insufficient or inadequate customer bandwidth or technology, (ii) general Internet brown-outs, black-outs and slowdowns, (iii) bring-downs in the ordinary course that are necessary to maintain, update or refresh www.wisecoder.in or any other applicable relevant website, (iv) any “hacking” or “denial of service” activity by a third party and (v) any other reason beyond Wise Acad’s reasonable control.

Training on Wise Acad’s products and services, wherever applicable, will be scheduled by Wise Acad’s Sales/Training Team Associate. The said training will take approximately 30 minutes. On receipt of Username and Password from Wise Acad, the customer can use the subscribed service(s). Wise Acad through its authorized representative may formally call the customer or send communication requesting the feedback to determine/improve the quality of products or services.

Customer shall provide to Wise Acad accurate and necessary personal information to establish the identity of the customer. Customer is also responsible to use the service(s) subscribed. Customer should immediately intimate to Wise Acad on any change of email address or phone number or any other relevant contact information.

Customer may post content, as permitted, as long as it is not obscene, illegal, defamatory, threatening, infringing of intellectual property rights, invasive of privacy or injurious in any other way to third parties. Content has to be free of software viruses, political campaign, and commercial solicitation. We reserve all rights (but not the obligation) to remove and/or edit such content. When you post/share your content, you grant Wise Acad non-exclusive, royalty-free and irrevocable right to use, reproduce, publish, and modify such content in any media.

We grant customers a limited license to access and make use of the services. Customers are not allowed to download or modify it. To ensure data security and privacy, customer shall not share login details, passwords or any other information related to the services from Wise Acad. If a customer is found to share such details with any unauthorized user/third party, Wise Acad may revoke all login & passwords and deactivate customer’s account and refund policy would not be applicable. The services may be deactivated if the payment is not made by the due date(s) mentioned against each service. Customer represents and warrants that customer use of data shall be lawful and shall comply with all the applicable local and national laws, including but not limited to the laws relating to data privacy laws, cyber laws and law relating to intellectual property.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, customer shall not use or attempt to use any engine, software, tool, agent or other device or mechanism which will compromise the data and/or privacy and/or security of the website and its contents. To the extent permitted by law Wise Acad makes no warranties, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement with respect to its services, or results of use thereof and all warranties and conditions, express or implied are hereby excluded.

The contents of the website (including without limitation all customer data and all content), and all elements, which are a part of the foregoing, and all intellectual and other proprietary rights therein, are the property of Wise Acad. Customers shall not do anything, which would in any way damage, injure or impair the validity of Wise Acad rights in the contents of the website.

Neither party will be liable to the other party (nor to any person claiming rights derived from the other party's rights) for incidental, indirect, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages of any kind including lost revenues or profits, loss of business or loss of data arising out of this agreement (including without limitation as a result of any breach of any warranty, or other term of this agreement), regardless of whether the party liable or allegedly liable was advised, had other reason to know, or in fact knew of the possibility thereof. Moreover, Wise Acad maximum liability arising out of or relating to the transaction, which is the subject matter of the agreement, regardless of the cause of action (whether in contract, tort, breach of warranty or otherwise), will not exceed the amount paid by customer to Wise Acad.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, customer’s use of the Wise Acad website and services is subject to the Terms of Use (Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Refund Policy) available from such Wise Acad website’s homepage through which the service(s) is/are subscribed. By customer’s use of the website or services, the customer agrees to abide by such terms of Wise Acad, as they may be amended from time to time and are effective immediately once they are published in this page.

If you have any questions about the Terms of Service, please contact us through email: info@wisecoder.in